Women With Disabilities ACT is passionate in our efforts to highlight the lived experiences of all those who have been impacted by systemic gender oppression – including trans women, intersex people, non-binary, gender diverse and gender non-conforming individuals. WWDACT is an intersectional feminist human rights organisation and believes in the importance of diversity and inclusivity as central to the feminist movement.   

As part of being an inclusive organisation WWDACT commits to:


WWDACT Membership 


WWDACT’s membership welcomes all women and gender diverse individuals who have experienced or are currently experiencing gender oppression. Self-definition is at the discretion of the individual. 

Cisgender men (men who are not trans, intersex or gender diverse) are welcome to sign up as Associate Members. However, cisgender men cannot become Full Members of WWDACT. 

WWDACT does not tolerate discrimination against trans, intersex and gender diverse individuals. WWDACT reserves the right to withdraw membership to individuals who do not uphold WWDACT’s inclusive values.